The use of an Aquarium or even Pond Sponge Filter is a proven and yet economical way to maintain effective aerobic biological filtration.

A Sponge Filter IS PROVEN useful for these applications:
*Main Filter, *Secondary Filter, *Pre-filter, *Sump or Central Filter System in Fresh or Marine Aquariums (the Hydro Pond Sponge works great for this), *Hospital Filter, *Bowl or Small Tank Filter.
(For more please read the posts below)

For a full article about how "The Best" Sponge Filters work, please visit this site:
"Sponge Filtration; How Sponge Filters work in Aquariums and Ponds"

This article is a MUST read as these filters Surpass most other filters in aerobic Bio Filtration; HydroPond & HydroSponge #5 PRO Sponge Filters even surpass many over hyped Canister Filters (only Fluidized Bed Filters out perform Sponge Filters for aerobic bio filtration)!
Please Scroll down for "Sponge Filter Article" posts/articles which follow this header section

To purchase the best in Sponge Filters at the lowest total prices
(when shipping is factored in):
Sponge Filters

Premium Patented ATI Hydro Sponge Filters, with links to ATI Filter Max Sponge Pre-Filters, Aquarium Filter Kits & Hydro Pond Filters

Sponge Filter Troubleshooting Picture


Although mechanical filtration is not the main strength of a sponge filter, a Sponge Filter can still can remove copious amounts of debris form the water column when properly connected.
If not connected properly, you will see little if any mechanical filtration and even biological filtration will suffer as well.
This can be a problem with air pump applications, especially in small aquariums where the aquarium keeper unknowingly leaves off the lift tube to fit better in a small aquarium and then amplifies the problem by not extending the airline deeper into the sponge filter

The picture above shows water flow through a sponge filter depending upon air diffuser, airline tubing, and lift tube placement (Please click to enlarge).


As you can see a sponge filter on the left with no lift tube and with no extension of tubing (or air diffuser) has a poor flow through the sponge material (if any flow at all).
The reason is the air bubbles rising in column will create a vacuum, however if there no lift tube (or very little) no vacuum is produced and the water will simply flow upward with the current of water, mostly avoiding the sponge (which will have more resistance).

The point is to overcome the resistance of the sponge material with a stronger vacuum produced in the lift tube, as well a an extension of airline tubing into the sponge filter and/or the use of an air diffuser or air stone can extend this vacuum deeper into the sponge filter, thus providing a better flow.

*Aquarium Sponge Filter Use/Information
*Freshwater Aquarium Care/Information

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